Saturday, November 12, 2011

Happy 14th birthday

Happy birthday to you syaza leesa

Bagi aku birthday dia special jugak la, sbb semalam birthday aku arini pulak birthday dia.Kire kitorang ni jiran je la kan ? Hehehe.Btw, thanks for being my bestfriend that always there beside me when I feel down Oh one more thing die jugak seorang Doktor Pakar Cinta (maybe) , sbb kan kalau korang ade prob pasal cinta or nak tahu tips2 cinta pegi jela kat dia. Hahaha Promosi pulak! Tapi memang betul la ape yg aku ckp, smpai kan budak laki yg ade 'prob about love' pon cri dia tau. I dont care what people say about her, because I know her :)

Syaza Leesa aku tabik kau !
Syaza Leesa Ilove you !